Please Help: The Gore VFD Needs a New Tanker after LODD Wreck

The Gore VFD needs help. They need a tanker. You can help by sharing on Facebook and Twitter. Either share this post, or share the original post on that already has 226+ “likes” on Facebook! Bloggers can help by posting this on their blogs too!

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On February 13th of this year, the Gore Volunteer Fire Department suffered a tragic loss. Firefighter Zachary Whitacre was killed, In the Line of Duty, during a single vehicle wreck. The Gore VFD is rebuilding. Not only did they lose a bright young firefighter, they also lost their tanker. A tanker they rely on for water supply in their area.

They are looking for help. They are seeking a tanker to be donated to their fire department. There have been many offers of used tankers for sale, but they simply do not have the funds to purchase. Not even a used tanker.

If you know of any department willing to donate a tanker, or someone willing to fund the purchase of a tanker please contact them.


Gore VFD is in desperate need of a Tanker…help them out by sharing this with anyone and everyone!

The Gore Volunteer Fire Department of Frederick County, Virginia suffered a tragic loss back in February when Station 14 member Zachary Taylor “Zach” Whitacre passed away in a line of duty death as a result of an accident.    The department wishes to express its thanks and gratitude to all departments for the support they have received since Zach passed away.

As a result of this accident, the department’s “Tanker 14”, a 1,500 gallon tanker, was totaled and the Gore members are utilizing their current 1994 Pierce with a 1,000 gallon water tank as their primary suppression unit.  The Gore Volunteer Fire Department is in desperate need of a used tanker.

Based on their first due response area, a tanker truck carrying 1,500 – 1,800 gallons of water is needed.  Since the department would have to utilize the tanker as a backup to their engine, a 1,000 gallon per minute pump (or 750 gallon per minute) is also preferred.

If your department is selling or willing to donate your tanker truck to the Gore community, please contact Assistant Chief Kevin Yost at Fire Station 14.  The phone number to contact is (540) 858-2811. If you prefer email, contact the editor of at and I will forward the message.